sobota, 27 października 2007

MikroTik RouterOS 3.0 RC9

Prace nad finalną wersją 3.0 tak przyspieszyły że mamy już RC9 ... a ja przegapiłem RC7 i 8.

changelog RC9:

* fix for rb100 - can change ethernet settings when interface in bridge/bond;
* fixed problem - RouterOS did not boot on some routers (reported disk not found);
* fixed dns resolver - sometimes could not parse packets with AAAA records;
* hide ppp interface & wireless passwords and keys in WinBox as well;
* fixed traffic-flow - could hang multi cpu router and ignore targets sometimes;
* fixed rb100 - ethernets could be set at random bandwidth limit after reboot;
* console:
repaint whole screen after terminal size change while in editor
(same as pressing F5 or Ctrl-L). this solves numerous issues with
terminal resizing;
added more workarounds for the case when terminal is too narrow
(<4 interface="wlan1">" and
"print from=[find ]" are equal;
removed filters from firewall print commands, now write, e.g.,
"/ip firewall filter print where !dynamic" instead of
"/ip firewall filter print static";
* web proxy: fixed crash on stopping proxy;

changelog RC8:

* fixed problem - console did not accept ip address ranges correctly;
* user manager - fixed problem with accounting creating too many sessions;
* console:
added ip-prefix and ip6-prefix datatypes, written in address/mask
INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: expressions of the form "(123/45)" (where first
operand is literal unquoted value) currently will be parsed as single
string, to write division put space before '/' (like with '.' operator);
added operator 'in' that checks if first argument is inside second
argument, currenty implemented for the case where second argument is
ip-prefix or ip6-prefix and first argument is either address or
another prefix;
don't perform full reset of terminal on login;
fixed terminal capability detection, now windows telnet client
works better. TERM environment variable is ignored completely now,
it was overriding detected values before;
* added support for Huawei E220 USB modem;

changelog RC7:

* ftpd - automatically reboot after finishing upload that has name *.auto.npk;
* added support for Sierra Wireless AirCard 595U;
* ping - show more types of ICMP reply messages, like in 2.9 versions;
* add ICMP MPLS extension support to traceroute;
* console detects terminal size and capabilities, TERM environment variable is not used, so now this works even over serial;
* console - fixed crash on non-ASCII characters in input and output;
* console - export correctly strings that contain control characters;
* fixed in console - when argument value evaluation produces error, report that error instead of "invalid value for ..." message;
* console - changed the way how required command arguments are processed,
now commands like "enable [find]" don't fail with error when find returns
* fixed memory leak on RB500;
* fixed layer7 protocol matcher, did not handle \x.. sequences correctly;
* fixed allow-shared-key mode for wireless;
* fixed station-pseudobridge mode when used in combination with nstreme framer-policy;
* fixed hidden ssid issues with wds links;
* SNTP client - adjust DST according to timezone settings when clock changes;
* console - fixed crash when terminal size is extremely small (like 1x1), assume default width 80 if terminal is too narrow;
* SNTP - fixed overflow bug, now clocks are adjusted correctly if initial time is way back (like jan/01/1970 on routerboards);
* added RIPng support in WinBox;
* added BGP for IPv6 support in WinBox;
* added PIM support in WinBox;
* added hide passwords option to WinBox;
* added regular expression matching to dns resolver static entries;
* user manager - fixed bug for credit extension using PayPal payments;

poniedziałek, 22 października 2007

Do mojego "portfolio" dołączyła strona którą wykonałem dla Kopalni Kruszyw TAR-KRUSZ Sp. z o.o.
Przy okazji tego projektu miałem okazje przetestować opensource'owe rozwiązanie jakim jest WordPress oraz usługi hostingowe firmy Z obu jestem bardzo zadowolony :D

piątek, 19 października 2007

Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon

Ja już mam a WY? O nowym wydaniu można by dużo pisać, jednak dla mnie istotne w tym momencie są tak naprawde dwie sprawy: AppArmor oraz dodatkowe profile w wersji serwerowej a mianowicie: Mail Server, File Server, Print Server, and Database Server.

Więcej o zmianach można przeczytać tutaj:

A teraz czekam na JeOS .. ponoć ma się w ciągu najbliższego miesiąca!

czwartek, 4 października 2007

OpenWrt Kamikaze 7.09

Pojawiłą się nowa wersja jedynego wg mnie słusznego firmware'u dla sporej grupy urządzeń nie tylko bezprzewodowych.

zmiany w stosunku do 7.07:

- Fix a crash at boot time on atheros-2.6
- Documentation updates
- UCI updates - uncommitted changes are now active on config reads
- PPP fixes
- Firewall fixes for dynamic interfaces
- Config enhancements for dnsmasq
- Timing fixes for BCM947xx (fixes flash access problems on some models)
- Fix for BCM947xx and Atheros cards on Linux 2.4
- Prevent interfaces from accidentally being started twice at boot time
- Fix QoS for dynamically assigned interfaces
- Fix IMQ errors when ip6tables is installed (Linux 2.4)

środa, 3 października 2007

Full Circle issue 5 - Ubuntu Community Magazine

Pojawił się 5-ty numer magazynu wydawanego przez społeczność Ubuntu a w nim:

* Fluxbuntu - Step-by-step Install
* How-To : Report Bugs with LaunchPad, CoLoCo Edubuntu Presentation, >From VMware to VirtualBox and Learning Scribus Pt.5.
* Review of Bridge Construction Kit.
* Preview of Gusty Gibbon
* Letters, Q&A, My Desktop, My PC, Top 5, the new My Opinion column, and more!

MikroTik RouterOS 3.0 RC6

Pojawiła się kolejna już szósta wersja RC jakże oczekiwanego RouterOS 3.0


* RIP - fixed some problems;
* RIP - automatically distribute connected routes falling within range of some configured network;
* RIPng - network configuration statements removed, interface configuration now is mandatory;
* added support for IPv6 Firewall in WinBox;
* added support for IPv6 DNS cache in WinBox;
* added support for MME routing protocol in WinBox;
* added support for L7 matcher in WinBox;
* added support for Prolific 2303 based USB serial devices;
* specify tcp-mss in dynamicly added PPP mangle rules & do not add them when mtu is bigger then 1500;
* fixed USB UPS detection;
* fixed bug - PPTP client did not work with Windows PPTP server;
* limited number of active authentication sessions for PPPoE server to not overload RADIUS server;
* fixed bug - ssh command did not work on RB333;
* added support for Intel EXPI9404PT PCI-E ethernet adpater;
* added simple SNTP client to system package & removed regular ntp from bundle package;
* updated timezone information;